Contact Germantown Moving & Storage, LLC to Safely Move Your Assets!

Common Questions at Germantown Moving & Storage, LLC
Travel time is calculated as the time it takes for our crew to arrive at the origin address, plus the time it takes the crew to get back to our office from the destination address. Driving between the origin and destination is considered billable labor time and has been factored into your quote.
The most important thing is to be ready on moving day. Make sure all boxes are taped shut and labeled. Have your electronics unplugged. Although disassembling and reassembling is part of our hourly rate it does take time, If you're handy and have time this is something that can save you time and money. Remove obstructions from any walkways, and driveways. Create a central floor plan or label rooms so items arrive in the right place.
Whether you choose to pack yourself or choose to have Germantown Moving & Storage pack for you, the contents of all drawers must be packed. Items cannot be moved within the furniture because the contents can damage the inside of the furniture and make the furniture much harder to move.
Payment should be made once unloading has finished. Payment should be made in Cash or by Personal check and must be given to the foreman. DO NOT PACK YOUR CHECKBOOK!
Questions and/or Comments?
Office: 301-258-0017
Email: [email protected]
Special Offers

Receive $50 Worth of Packing Materials with Moving Services Greater Than $1,000!
(Deduction made from final bill, limit one per person, not to be combined with any other)